MondialCare Terms & Conditions

Last update on 23/01/2020

travel insurance mondialcare terms of use cover

Presentation of the company, the website and the purpose of the terms of reference

The MondialCare website, accessible at, is published by AGIS SAS acting under the trade name MondialCare

  • Société de courtage d’assurance, SAS au capital de 250 000 €
  • Siège social : 33 avenue Victor Hugo 75116 PARIS
  • Numéro de RCS (SIREN) : 524 120 409
  • Numéro de SIRET : 524 120 409 00023
  • Code APE : 6622Z
  • N°TVA intracommunautaire : FR 66 524120409
  • Garantie financière et assurance de RC Conformes aux articles L.512-6 et L.512-7 du Code des Assurances
  • Inscrit à l’Orias N° 10057380 (

The director of the publication is Mr. Yves GANANSIA

The provider of the Web hosting is OVH :

  • OVH, SAS au capital de 500 000€
  • Siège social : 140 quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix
  • Numéro de RCS : Roubaix-Tourcoing 424 761 419
  • Numéro de SIRET : 424 761 419 00011
  • Code APE : 721Z
  • N°TVA : FR22 424 761 419

MondialCare is an insurance brokerage company, and as such, MondialCare provides its users with an online insurance contract enrollment service as well as information on these same contracts.

MondialCare provides its service to the User subject to the User agreeing to abide by these Terms of Use, which MondialCare will be free to modify at any time. The User is therefore advised to regularly refer to the latest version of the Terms of Use, which are permanently available on the website.


Terms of use of


The site and its content are legally protected under literary and artistic property and industrial property.

It is forbidden for any Internet user to copy or reproduce all or part of the content of the site, except for his or her own use and unless specifically authorized.

All rights reserved.

Validity of information:

The information provided on this site is presented for general information purposes only and should not be used without prior verification by the Internet user.

MondialCare cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect consequences that may result from the use, consultation and interpretation of the information provided, nor for any change in administrative and legal provisions occurring after publication.

The content of the commercial offers can be changed by MondialCare without prior notice.

Links between websites:

MondialCare provides links to external websites. MondialCare is not responsible for the content of these websites.

Any link from an external website to the website requires prior authorization from MondialCare.

Scope of application:

The conclusion of an order via the website creates a valid contract between the customer and the insurance company to which the general and special terms and conditions apply.

Although MondialCare can be accessed worldwide, the contracts and services offered on this website are not open to all persons. Restrictions are applicable to each of the insurance contracts. They are specified at the time of enrolment and on the general terms and conditions of the contracts present on the site at any time.

The provisions relating to each offer are set out in the product and service descriptions on the websites. At the time of each subscription, you must validate that you have read, understood and accepted all the general conditions of the contract (definitions, amounts and limits of coverage, exclusions, procedure in case of claim).

Only persons aged 18 years or older can subscribe to the insurance contracts on

Photo Credits:

The images used on are from where they were downloaded and adapted to our media. Credits :

@pikisuperstar @freepik @luckycreative @ddy_setya @bayuprahara @xvector @alexdndz @rocketpixel @elizaliv @pch.vector @user2735621 @macrovector @teravector @wowcat @vectorpocket @studiogstock @unitonevector @mangsaabguru

Online Membership Security:

Our server is secure. The company DALENYS of Natixis Payments, ensures the reliability and security of financial transactions made on our site. Their software encrypts all your personal data, which is essential to your payments, at the time of entry. During their unique transfer via Internet, it is impossible for a third party to read them.

If you prefer, you can always give us your bank details by phone or pay your contract by bank transfer.

We follow strict security procedures regarding the storage and disclosure of the information you have provided to us, to prevent unauthorized access. Find out more about our privacy policy

Use of cookies:

Our website uses cookies for :

  • The convenience of use (session management)
  • The establishment of statistics of traffic (Google Analytics)

Waiver Period:

Remote sale

In the context of distance selling and under certain conditions, article L112-2-1 of the French Insurance Code, provides for a 14-day waiver period. When this right applies, it is advisable to send MondialCare a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt: “(…) On … I signed up for the contract … and I paid a total premium of … €uros. My membership number/certificate is … . I hereby wish to exercise my right of renunciation. (…)”.


You are invited to verify that you are not already a beneficiary of a guarantee covering one of the risks covered by the new contract. If this is the case, you have the right to cancel this contract during a period of fourteen (calendar) days from its conclusion, without charge or penalty, if all the following conditions are met:

– you have taken out this contract for non-professional purposes;
– this contract is in addition to the purchase of a good or a service sold by a supplier;
– you can prove that you are already covered for one of the risks covered by this new contract;
– the contract you wish to cancel has not been fully executed;
– you have not reported any claim covered by this contract.

In this situation, you may exercise your right to cancel the contract by sending a letter or any other durable medium to our Customer Service Department, together with proof that you are already covered for one of the risks covered by the new contract. We are obliged to refund the premium paid within thirty days of your cancellation.
If you wish to cancel your policy but do not meet all of the above conditions, please check the cancellation terms of your policy.

Cancellation or modification of insurance memberships:

For cancellations or changes prior to the effective date: MondialCare reserves the right to charge a fee for each change to the policy (name, date, destination, option, coverage date, etc.).

In the event of cancellation or modification after the effective date: the premium paid will be retained in full, no refund will be made.

Complaints and mediation:

In accordance with the regulations, we provide our policyholders with a claims procedure.

We do our utmost to satisfy our policyholders, but you may think otherwise…

In accordance with the regulations (Code des Assurances) we process and follow up all claims scrupulously: Send your request to the postal address of the company or by e-mail : [email protected]

We commit ourselves to answer you within two weeks.

And if you feel that you have not obtained satisfaction, you can also contact the Insurance Mediator. The website is here: And by post: La Médiation de l’Assurance / TSA 50110 / 75441 Paris cedex 09.

ACPR – Supervisory body:

Like all insurance brokers, AGIS SAS and its MondialCare brand are regulated by the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR).

The ACPR is an organization that reports to the Banque de France. The ACPR can be contacted at the following address:

ACPR – 4 Place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 09 – Tel : 01 49 95 40 00 –